35 Clever Parenting Ideas Every Parent Needs To Know

1 | This cute baby mop suit lets your child crawl and help out around the house at the same time.

2 | Use a shoe caddy to hold snacks and activities during long car rides.

3 | Help other people (and yourself) tell your twins apart with these tiny rompers.

4 | Making sure your kids dress warmly can be quite the chore…

But not when you have an awesome Knight’s Helmet that they’ll love.

5 | Give them temporary tattoos in case they get lost during an outing.

6 | Old lotion bottles can be used as faucet extenders until the little tykes aren’t so little anymore.

7 | Never worry about losing them in public with these forget-met-not mittens

funny-parenting-tips-and-life-hacks-9funny-parenting-tips-and-life-hacks-10Source: boredpanda.com

8 | Cut a hole in a pacifier and stick a dropper in it to make taking medicine slightly less traumatizing.


9 | A cut pool noodle will prevent little fingers from getting slammed in doors.

10 | (My personal favorite) Create a kid-sized hammock with some fabric and a table.

funny-parenting-tips-and-life-hacks-13Source: Joyful Abode
Use a woven babywearing wrap (not a blanket) for this one. Find the instructions for how to make one in the link above!

11 | If you’re super careful, a big cardboard box can be re-purposed into a stair slide.


12 | A box fan can help a blanket fort stay up, while also making sure the adventurer inside is getting enough air.


13 | A baby shower cap will make bath time tear-free.

14 | Keep their tummies full with this simple cheese rearrangement.


15 | Better yet, keep two tummies full at the same time by heating multiple bowls at once in your microwave.


16 | Teach them a simple way to make strawberries more enjoyable.


17 | A cupcake holder around a popsicle stick will keep little hands from getting sticky on hot days.


18 | A spray bottle and cute decorations are all you need to create “Monster Spray” that stops kids from worrying at night.


19 | To get them to put their shoes on the correct feet, cut a sticker in half and place it on the insides of their shoes.

Source: babyzone.com

20 | I get so worried when the baby coughs all night. Here’s how to alleviate that:

funny-parenting-tips-and-life-hacks-24Source: corcell.com

21 | Prevent spills by inserting a crazy straw upside-down to keep kids from yanking it right out of the cup.

funny-parenting-tips-and-life-hacks-25Source: popsugar.com

22 | To keep apple slices from getting brown in a lunch bag, put them back together and secure them with a couple of rubber bands.

23 | Use an old DVD case to store paper and colored pencils for an on-the-road easel.

Source: popsugar.com

24 | If you’re afraid of them falling out at night, create a barrier by putting a pool noodle under a fitted sheet.

Source: pinterest.com

25 | Use a laundry basket to keep bath toys from floating away.

Source: lifehack.org

26 | Instead of damaging your home with nails, use a ziptie to secure baby gates to the banister.

Source: lifehack.org

27 | Splinters can be so painful. This will make it better:

Source: kidspot.com

28 | Some glue and glitter can turn any money into “tooth fairy money.”

29 | Prevent them from over-squeezing juice boxes by teaching them to hold the drink by the side flaps.

funny-parenting-tips-and-life-hacks-33Source: babyzone.com

30 | To give a more effective time-out, fill a bottle up 3/4 with water, then add a bottle of glitter glue and some ultra-fine glitter. Flip the bottle, and when the glitter settles, their time-out is over.

funny-parenting-tips-and-life-hacks-34Source: pinterest.com
An added bonus to this is that watching the glitter settle can help calm a wound-up kiddo… but if they mess with the bottle and disturb the glitter, their time-out ends up being longer.

31 | To clean up pesky vomit stains, wipe up the excess and then spread a paste of baking soda and water over the remaining ick. Let it dry until it takes on a powdery consistency and then vacuum it right up.

funny-parenting-tips-and-life-hacks-35Source: pinterest.com

32 | Convince them to do chores by offering things they need rather than bonus rewards.

funny-parenting-tips-and-life-hacks-36Source: buzzfeed.com

33 | If you’re flying with infants, there’s a simple way to make sure the other passengers are more understanding to your plight.

funny-parenting-tips-and-life-hacks-38Source: buzzfeed.com

34 | A lint roller picks up glitter (and just about anything else) like a charm!

funny-parenting-tips-and-life-hacks-39Source: pinterest.com

35 | And when they grow up, teach them how to be resourceful:

funny-parenting-tips-and-life-hacks-40Source: Bore Panda

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